
Azzurra Casamassima was born in Viareggio (Lucca) the 20th of 1978.
After her Master Degree in Law in 2003 she intensified her knowledge in the pictorial informal language developing a personal style. Bsed on acrylic on plaster, her works also includes de-contextualized materials. She workes as interior design consulent.
In 2013 she founded the “Disordine” (Disorder) group together with her sister Antonella Casamassima and Luca De Gaetani. They mostly concentrates in a pictorial language based on matter adopting chemistry derived techniques and materials never used before.
She adopts various materials as stucco, plastaer, glucose and water as essential elements to define her field of research: colour. Elements combine to compose colour and space in a continuos movement.
Adotta quindi come materiali lo stucco, il glucosio e l’acqua stessa come elementi essenziali per definire il suo naturale campo di ricerca: il colore. Gli elementi si combinano per comporre il colore e creare lo spazio in un movimento continuo e profondo.
With these artistic premises she elaborates a language and philosophy focused on homologation of places and objects in society. She makes paintings based on real social and “Ordered” relationships: she tries to apply waves of colour and matter finalized to a sparkling dynamics.
Her works are considered a drive to the art transformation, allowing to reflect on the meaning of art. So her paintings haven't a fixed character. Processes continue in numerous works: chemical reactions by the use of glucose, chromatic alterations,decline, drying and cracks: all is changing. She reflects on human essence and focuses on unconscious will which is caotic untill the moment in which it is organized by form principle. Certainty and uncertainty contrast replicating the way humans act wihout predestination.
Actually she lives and works in Versilia.