
Alessandro Tegon

I’m an italian photographer and I live and work near the city of Venice. For me photography is passion, need and therapy, the tool I use to release tensions otherwise unexploited. I think that the essence of reality is inexplicable and that every explaination is based on approximations making it hard to find an unequivocal sense of existenz. Every instant is already lost when it happens, both the simplest or the most significant of them are dissolved in a continuous flow that we can perceive but not understand completely. Looking at life and at the world through this awareness I get seized by a poingnat sense of compassion, getting close to places and situations around me I can use them as the basis to reveal the absurd that characterise man and his actions and to express the tension toward the absolut that derive from it. Photography’s innate ability of stopping time gives me the chance for a cathartic exploration of reality and moreover it offers me an handhold for my becoming, this can partialy solve my quest for a deeper consciousness.

Carlo Strano

I use for my research painting, video, and assemblies to represent and generate metaphysical spaces. I consider the abstract geometry as trace of human culture, to which I oppose the organic materiality of the media: jute canvases, rough wood and plaster assemblies. As in a process of cell proliferation, I repeat obsessively elementary geometric elements, forming agglomerates more and more complex. Undefined structures that recall maze-architecture or totemic figures. Playing on the boundary between shapeless and shaped, between the abstract and symbolic, I develop a language of archetypal elements related to the sphere of the desire and the sacred. The repeated use of these elements makes each work in relation to each other, creating a series of references and minimal narratives that constitute a kind of cosmogony.

