
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Scenography, has worked in both theatre and cinema. In 2002 reached the title of comic designer and illustrator at the Roman School of Comics. During the years has experimented diverse artistic techniques and has explored studied about architecture and figurative arts. Has returned to photograpy for some time, almost casually, capturing themes regarding waiting and abandonment, time and research of success, the ephemerality of life and the dignity of death, documenting and witnessing minimal existences, traces of life destined to be forgotten, with intentions to give back some dignity and beauty at the smallest form of life before it is consigned to the oblivion without glory or memory.

"The horrible is always enclosed within the wonderful, just as the wonderful is always enclosed within the horrible. Life is penetrated by the yeast of this great contradiction until its absurdity, that in art presents itself in a contemporaneously harmonic and dramatic unit. The image rends this unit palpable where everything is contiguous and everything mixes through everything else. One can talk about the idea contained within an image, describe its substance in words, but this description will never be the equivalent of the image."
(Andrej Tarkovskij)