
Biography ]

Royal Academy School UK VISUAL ART

Ralph Hall was born in Verona to an Italian father and French mother. He dedicates himself to technical studies, only after this entering the world of art and self-taught, deepens his knowledge in an almost vendictive way without a sense of conscience to compensate for a troubled adolescence. He frequents different artistic realities, associations and charities. Travelling widely, mainly in North Europe and California. San Antonio of Port Bay in the Balearics, Elba, Monaco all leave their mark on the artist. Protected places such as the mountain of St. Moritz in summer, and living in Saint Jean Cap Ferrat and Los Angeles. Bound to Francis Bacon, Filippo de Pisis, Giuseppe Penone and Gina Pane, Hall also finds inspiration in writers such as Flaubert, Baudelaire and Huysmann, directors of the calibre of Pasolini and Marco Bellocchio with his masterpiece 'I pugni in tasca'. Various exhibitions both collective and personal, amongst the latest: 2014 Il contemporaneo a confronto, Meridiana Gallery, Verona; in 2013 Person'Hall, Queen Gallery,Brescia ; Krudelta ment'Hall, Elio Ferraro Gallery, Milano. Ralph Hall is the artist chosen in 2012 for Spazio Edit in Milan at Vogue's Fashion Night Out. Today he lives between Cannes And NY