
At the end of February 2012 she graduated with highest honors as one of the top students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, faculty in Interior Design (Master of Arts).
Currently working on her Doctor of Arts degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the faculty painting under the supervision of prof. Leon Tarasewicz.

Her art works are focused on carnality. Her main art statment says that the carnality expresses the fundamental experience of our humanity. I am the body – that means – I am deadly,
I will passe away, I am changing, I feel. The body is matter susceptible to the sufering, impulses coming from the outside.
The carnality places our life in particular time and place.
In my art the issue centers around the physicality of the body as a complex matter, maze of thoughts, emotions and experiences. I present the fragility of the human body together with the strength of it’s existence.