
Elena Bellantoni lives and works between Berlin and Rome. He graduated at "La Sapienza" in Contemporary Art and studied in Paris and London , where in 2007 she got an MA in Visual Art WCA University of the Arts London . In 2007 she creates Platform Translation Group; in 2008 she is co-founder of 91mQ art project space in Berlin. In 2006 she won the prize Temphelhof - Shoneberg Kunstpreis Zum Ball- Spiel in Berlin ; 2009 she won the Movin'up of G.A.I. Turin with a project in Santiago the Chile ; 2012 she won the NGBK call with In Other Words realized at Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien in Berlin. In 2013 she won the first award at FestArte / Factory Colors of the World at the Macro Pelanda Museum Rome. Residences : 98weeks project space with Francis Alys in Beirut in 2008, Residencia Expacio Versus in Santiago, Chile in 2013; Progetto Isole in Palermo in 2009. In 2014: she participated at African Fabbers with a workshop and an exhibition during the Marrakech Biennale; she is artist in residency at Careof DOCVA in Milan; selected for the Video Art Year Book, Bologna.
Among the SOLO shows: 2015: Hala Yella at the end of the world, Set Up Plus Art Fair / Alviani Art Space; Passo a Due, Careof DOCVA, Milano;Fondazione Filiberto Menna at Museo Archelogico di Salerno Tempo Imperfetto, curated by Stefania Zuliani and Antonello Tolve, Salerno, Italy.
my name is elena ... Bellantoni [ . BOX] video art project space Milano 2013; Hala Yella Presentation Caja Negra exhibition space Santiago de Chile , 2012; Looking for E.B. Gallery Muratcentoventidue , Bari , 2012; Is it Real? 91 mQ Art Project Space , Berlin , 2008; Room1, Tacheles , Berlin 2008; Transparenz at the Weisser Elephant Galerie Berlin 2007; G.i.u.l.i.a , Linux Art Space Rome 2004.
Among the GROUP shows: BAC Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo Barcelona, Spain CCB Museum , 2009; Europe as a Space of Translation at Translation Biennale PAN Palazzo delle Arti Napoli , 2010; ItAliens at the Italian Embassy in Berlin , 2011; Re- Generation Macro Museum in Rome 2012 ; " Regeln für die Revolution, Fatzer Brecht " Kurzfilmkino Volksbühne Berlin and the Cinema Massimo in Turin 2012; Ikono Video Festival: Collegium Hungaricum Berlin 2013; Archive tellers, at the MAXXI B.A.S.E. Rome , 2013; Visions at Art Gallery A + A Venice , 2013; C'è una piccola radice che, se la masticate, vi spuntano le ali immediatamente MAC Museum Lissone, 2013; Exodus, MUMI Museo de las Migraciones Montevideo, Uruguay , 2013; ReAction video installations, Candles Factory of Forlì , Forlì , 2014; Spazi di percezione tra intangibile e tangibile, National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome GNAM , 2014. MAAM (Museum dell’Altro e dell’Altrove) Home Theatre video screening, Roma.

