
Born in 1965, lives and works in Milan, recent place to stay after a life spent between Sicily, place of birth, and Rome.
Always passionate about painting and visual arts, she attended the European Design Institute in Rome, focusing on Hyperrealist painting from which she went away to find a closer expression to her inner world, ranging from Impressionism to bright colors of the Expressionism. The use of acrylic along with the color representing its way to fully express the feelings and emotions of his artistic and personal evolution.

She participated in a group exhibition in Via Margutta in Rome, attended some oil on canvas classes in the studio of some painters in Milan and participated in workshops about improvisation art. Recently finalist of a Painting Prize with "Honorable Mention" for the painting "In attesa".
The German-Italian artist Simona Marcimino, produces his works in her home-studio in Via Rosmini, in the heart of China town Milan together with her inseparable cat Teo.