
Beatrice Favaretto was born in Venice in 1992.
Since she was young she has been painting with her father, discovering art as a perfect mixture between shapes, colours and intimacy.She studied foreign languages at High School. She is now attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, which confirms her artistic inclinations and interests” .Body Painting has become a new extraordinary way of expression. Bodies become canvas to give birth to her interior world, to her real soul, where her emotions and fears reside. Moreover, fluo colours are the main way to recreate a place where her feelings find a home.

Passion for body painting and photography led her to take part in the first Collective Exhibition in Venice (Italy), in Turin and in Mogliano Veneto (Venice).In May 2013, during the Venice Art Biennale, she worked for the events 'Mousse and Nero' and took part in the Cai Guo Qiang's performance, at Palazzo Franchetti. In September 2013 she was awarded the first recognition as finalist of the "Art Price" of Cairo Editore and exhibited her works at PAC in Milan. In October 2013 she was awarded the Winner of International Price: “Violence against Women" and exhibited her works in Villa Bassi in Abano Terme (Italy). Afterwards, she cooperated with several Design Studios In Treviso and she become the Art Director for the Berliner group “ Dead End Ladies” . In 2014 she has been included in the “Catalogue of Contemporary Art”, by Cairo Editore and in “Autoportrait” , a book of Francesco Bonami, writer and art critic. In May 2015 she was awarded finalist at the international Price “ Who Art You” and exhibited her works in Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan.