
1981-1989. Kind of primary school diploma: Italian primary school. Beinette - (Cuneo).
• 1989-1993. Secondary school diploma: Liceo Artistico “Ego Bianchi” of Cuneo.
School-leaving examination mark: 52
Maximum attainable final mark: 60
• 1993-1997 (Graduation date).
Type of degree course: 1st level degree - Degree/Bachelor: Academy of Fine Arts “Albertina” of Turin. Painting Course. Official time limit for the degree course: 4 years. Final degree mark: 110 (out of 110).
Thesis title: “L’immagine elettronica e il suo rapporto con l’arte”
• 1998-1999. Centro Europeo Modellisti Industriali (CEMI). Saluzzo – CN . Certificate of Professional Qualification: “Tecnico di modellismo” Stage: Pininfarina Centro Studi e Ricerche of Cambiano (Turin).
• 1999. STA Computergrafica of Turin. 3D Modeling Course for automotive prototypes with Silicon Graphics and Alias Studio Tools. Stage: Lancia of Turin.
• 2000. Consorzio Ge.S.A.C Expo – Cuneo.
Certificate of Attendance and Profit: “Cinematography Technician”
• 2000. Istituto Europeo Design of Turin. Web Animation Course. Software: Flash 5.0, with Advanced ActionScripting..
• 2001. Azienda Formazione Professionale of Dronero AFP- CN. Web Design Course. Softwares: Microsoft FrontPage; JavaScript; HTML
Working experience
made during studies
Information technology
• 2001. Istituto Europeo Design of Turin. 3dsMax 3.1 Course with
Import/Export from/to Autocad.
• 2002. VRMMP of Turin. High Specialization Course
“Virtual Set Technician” with stage in “Pulsar” of Turin.
Experiences: Motion Capture. Softwares: 3DSMax 4.0 and Character Studio,
Maya 4.0, Kaydara Filmbox 3.2 and Advanced Programming of Constraints,
3dMeNow Pro, Poser 4.0
• 2004. Academy of Fine Arts of Cuneo. Attendance for Specialization Course;
Title of Course: “Visual Arts and Discipline for the Performing Arts”.
Paintings and Graphic Design
• 1994-Today. Personal Exhibition and National Competitions.
• Artworks, Scenography Sets, Airbrushes Works, Wall Paintings.


