
Nancy Avellina
Born in Sicily, in Acireale, province of Catania, January 12, 1984.
He obtains the Diploma of Artistic Maturity at
the Istituto Statale Filippo Brunelleschi of Acireale (CT), at the same time obtains the professional qualification of Restoration section Paintings. After the studies obtained,
he attends an Advertising Studio devoting himself to advertising graphic art and, at the same time, to drawing, to painting on different supports (glass, wood, iron, terracotta, canvas, etc.) nourishing a marked sensitivity for the relief of architectural forms. deep poetic trail that shines through not only in his poems but also in his paintings.
Already early as a child shows great sensitivity and mastery in the use of color and design skills, surprising teachers and audience for expressive and dynamic talent.
Nancy Avellina's painting started at a very young age, even before attending her studies and embarking on journeys, enclosed within the walls of a room let the pulsions flow through her paintings becoming the flame that ignites the rebellious soul who wants to give off walls that hold her captive. She obsessively seeks the perfection of nature, of the architectural elements, of the subjects who immortalize her as photographs, designating an animated reality of bright colors and enchanted by a magical atmosphere where the poetic spirit shines through.
Of the first collection, articulated by several works, stands out the large canvas entitled "The Panorama of Dreams" where reality merges into a purely romantic, illusionistic dream, where the perceptive reasons together with those of the heart are both affected by a strong pictorial chromaticity which makes the landscape dynamic, harmony and attraction.
The Artist traveling between Rome, Florence and Paris is particularly attracted by the academic Renaissance painting, the hidden wonders in the Vatican City and its exemplary historical monuments, by the French Impressionists Renoir and the Macchiaioli, Italian Verists dominated by the stain of color that creates contrast and brightness. Therefore it manages to blend its own personal style, unifying light and dark spots, meticulous details and reliefs, creating a pristine contrast of lights and shadows that intersect each other. She thus dialogues with her own painting and poetry, becoming the main purpose to overcome the worries of life and the potential means of expressing the deepest emotions, the dark paths buried in the heart, in the soul and love, the only source of bliss and happiness. In fact, his paintings reveal the harmony of color, light and shadows, where the technical quality stands out, the uncontaminated beauty of a mystical reality and unmistakable in his style, or in his poetic works a rhythmic, harmonious and sensual dance of free and light verses; "In fact, as Enza Conti says director of the newspaper the" Convivio ", it is this part of his self that makes his painting full of emotions, in a marriage between the two languages, as in his painting is the color to communicate, while in his poems is the word: a constant dialogue that gives voice to the deepest emotions. And his works like "Il mulino sul lago" (main cover of the book "The key to living"), is the manifestation of his stylistic research that pushes the observer to contemplate a landscape corner, where it seems that time has become stopped. It is an art that becomes the expression of an innate passion, a peculiarity that transforms its paintings into paradisiacal images, where stillness is the propedeutic element of contemplative amazement. Enza Conti >>.
The stylistic and iconographic research of his representations is constantly evolving, ranging from one subject to another, impressing on the canvas their emotions, studied and contemplated thus designing an enigmatic, evolutionary reality, animated by bright colors, where it crosses the boundaries of reality , of man and of his becoming, where the order of the elements remains, the vigor of the waters, in a peaceful and uncontaminated climate. The cornerstones of his visions and projections are: strength, peace, hope, justice, love, purity, happiness, joy, the light of an eternal and uncontaminated world where earthly peace reigns, the dream , the fairy tale, the immortality of time, space and being, where man himself merges into the light of life, where he joins the beauties of creation, where he frees himself from the evils of the world to welcome the spirit and the divine light in its entirety. She is in an experimental phase, of iconographic research and introspective truths, that is transcendental and metaphysical as well as physical and rational.
The main objective of the Artist is to spread his art and poetry throughout the world, leaving a mark, a message that everyone can contemplate and admire.
Nancy has set up several exhibitions with successes of public and critics, her works are published in international catalogs and magazines and also included in several sites and international art portals. Art critics have been interested in her (to name a few: Luigi Crescibene, Maria De Michele, Pasquale Solano, Alessandro Costanza, etc.) and her works have been reviewed on art yearbooks. He has participated in literary and artistic competitions receiving important awards and prizes.
 At the "Il Convivio" international competition, he obtained the "Diploma of Merit" at the "Pietro Carrera" award, a more than deserved commendation for the publication of the poetic work entitled "The key to living", reviewed in the international newspaper "Il Convivio" "By the director Enza Conti curated by Vittorio Verducci and published by the same publisher.
The Artist has been starting to take part in literary / artistic competitions and publications for a very short time. She has been Academic Associate with insertion in the Golden Book of the International Academy of Fine Arts, Letters and Sciences of Michelangelo Angrisani, her works have been permanently at the Flyer Art Gallery in Rome with which she collaborated. In 2016 he set up an important solo exhibition entitled "Armonie" hosted in the splendid setting of the Palace of the Dukes of Santo Stefano in Taormina, deservedly selected by the Mazzullo Foundation, presented through a critical and analytical analysis by the Doctor Giuseppe Manitta and reviewed in the newspaper international "Il Convivio"; in addition, a TV special was dedicated to the "Armonie" art show. In November 2016 his name was ascribed to the archive of the World Register of Contemporary Artists A.M.A. (Constanta foundation). His works have been reviewed and esteemed by Doctor Alessandro Costanza, President of the Costanza Foundation.


- 2018, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2018, "Parole, Segni e Colore", VI edition;
- 2017, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2017, "Poetry, Prose and Visual Arts", the Convivio Editore;
- 2017 Participation in the Mario Luzi International Prize in the poetry section edited with the syllable "The Key to Life", XII edition 2017;
- 2017 Recognition of Merit (Diploma of Honor) in painting section with the work "Batman" at the International Award XVI edition "Poetry, Prose and Visual Arts", Il Convivio 2017;
- 2017, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2017, "Parole, Segni e Colore", V edition;
- 2016, "Mediterranean Art Gran Tour" Catalog;
- 2016, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2016, "Poetry, Prose and Visual Arts", the Convivio Editore;
- 2016, Enrollment in the World Register of Contemporary Artists, A.M.A., Constanta foundation;
- 2016, Selection of Merit in painting section with the work "Il ritorno del Galeone" at the XV International Award "Poetry, Prose and Visual Arts", Il Convivio 2016;
- 2016, Certificate of participation "Poeta il Federiciano" at the "Il Federiciano" International Award VIII edition 2016, Rocca Imperiale, deservedly selected with the work "I thousand faces" for the anthological prize series;
- 2016, Selection of Merit in painting section with the work "La grande onda" for the anthology of the International Award "Antonio Filoteo Omodei" 2016, the Convivio publisher;
- 2016, Presentation of the book (syllabus consisting of 76 lyric) "The key to living" edited by the Doctor Giuseppe Manitta editor of the editions "Il Convivio", at the Giuseppe Mazzullo Foundation, Palazzo dei Duchi di Santo Stefano, Taormina;
- 2016, "Painting staff" titled "Armonie" at the Giuseppe Mazzullo Foundation, Palace of the Dukes of Santo Stefano, Taormina, critical presentation edited by the Doctor Giuseppe Manitta, dissemination through press releases, articles, news and news TG Special of the exhibition on Prima TV, Sicily and on the Internet through various channels;
- 2016, "Mediterranean Art Gran Tour", review of contemporary International Art in the City of Malaga (Spain) organized by the Flyer Art Gallery, twinning with Galerìa Javier Roman, insertion in the historical-cultural newspaper "Il Mediterraneo";
- 2016, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2016, "Parole, Segni e Colore", 4th edition;
- 2016, Permanence at the Flyer Art Gallery, Rome;
- 2015, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2015, "Poetry, Prose and Visual Arts", the Convivio publisher;
- 2015, Permanent Exhibition at the Flyer Art Gallery, Rome;
- 2015, Honorable Mention in painting section, with the work "Il mulino sul lago", at the XIV International Award "Poetry, Prose and Visual Arts"
- 2015, Signaling Award in poetry section, with the works, "La tua Sposa", "Il Poeta", "Rose Garden", 19th edition of the "2015 International Art and Culture Award";
- 2015, 2nd place, Silver Medal in painting section, with the work "L'origine della Vita," L'amore ", 19th edition of the" 2015 International Art and Culture Award ";
- 2015, International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts and Literature, 19th edition of the "International Art and Culture Award 2015", collective exhibition, Salerno;
- 2015, "Diploma di Merito" Award, 1st edition of the "Pietro Carrera" International Prize for unpublished works, editorial publication of the work "La Chiave per vivere";
- 2015, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art and Literature, 4th edition "The voices of the sign and color", collective exhibition, Salerno 2015;
- 2015, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art "Art Meetings", collective,
Rome 2015;
- 2015, 2nd place in the competition for the design of the logo and slogan for the Bicentennial, "200 anni Città di Giarre";
- 2015, Participation in the National Competition "Nikon Talent 2015";
- 2015, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2015, "Parole, Segni e Colore", 3rd edition;
- 2014, Selection of Merit with the work "Your Bride", International Poetry Award "City of Monza 2014", XVI edition, insertion in the anthology, Montedit - "Le Schegge d'oro" series;
- 2014, Signaling Award, with the works, "Il Tempo ...", "The fire of passion", "Light Shards", XVIII edition "International Art and Culture Award 2014";
- 2014, Yearbook of Contemporary Art and Literature 2014, "Parole, Segni e Colore", 2nd edition;
- 2013/2014, "Giovani Talenti giarresi", collective of Contemporary Art sponsored by the City of Giarre (CT), Sala Messina, from December 2013 to January 2014.


- 2015, 2016 Flyer Art Gallery, Rome;
- 2015, 2016, Academy of Fine Arts, Literature and Sciences by Michelangelo Angrisani with the appointment of Associate Academician with inclusion in the Academy's Golden Book.


- Public and private schools.


- Publications, articles and critical reviews on Art yearbooks, international magazines, catalogs, art portals, websites.