
between gesture, materials and colour...

Born in Naples in 1979 , discovered his innate artistic flair in 1992 when he created his first piece of art. Since then, Pompeo continued to follow his passion for art and decide to cultivate his talent.

At the age of 20, Pompeo moved to London to discover new trends and cultures and find inspiration for his art. Few years later he decided to come back to Italy to dedicate himself to the study of finally came back to his country to dedicate to the study of chemistry to help the family business related to hair and cosmetic product. Surprisingly, these studies raised in him a live interest for raw materials and how they can become art if shaped in a creative way.

Today Pompeo lives in Pompei where he expresses his art.A passioned person, enthusiastic of life, Pompeo is able to express the essence of life through his art. Pompeo’s art is very innovative, and the absence of academic studies to support his art, allows Ciro to experiment new ways to shape raw materials and transform them in real pieces of art.

Pompeo creates to live rather then to survive. He defines art as the manifestation of the unespeakable. To create his art, Pompeo uses a very particular technique. Pompeo starts from a basis of expanded polyester to blend and combine together different materials such as cement paste, glue, plastic, wood and acrylics.

However, to create as Pompeo does, technique is not enough. Feelings, emotions and a clear vision of the word is what makes Pompeo’s art unique.

What strikes in Pompeo is the fact that he his a self-educated artist. He simply follows his natural instinct and this is exactly what makes his art so unique