
Stefano Bertolucci started his photographer career in 1978, like a reporter.
He has been working since 1982, for "studio Imagine", specialysing in scientific and nature reportage; his photographs have been published by the most important italian and foreign magazines.
While continuing his journalistic work, at the same time Stefano Bertolucci began working with a number of companies and ad. agencies, producing many advertisements, editorials, catalogues, national and international campaigns, using both still-life and fashion photographs.
Since 1994 he have been working on digital photography and electronic elaborations, and he currently use them both for his job and fine art productions.
Since 1989 Stefano Bertolucci works with a panoramic camera called Roundshot, to produce images up to 360° of mountain panoramas, sea landscapes and European towns: these photographs have been shown in many important exhibitions in Italy.
In all his professional career, S.B. has never forgotten his passion for artistic photography research of new and particular techniques and materials, to create images for exhibitions, books and so on.


- 1983 - "La Rinascita della Città" (on architecture)
(Ed. Bologna Fair)
- 1984 - "Il Carnevale del Teatro" (photographs of performances)
(Ed. La Biennale di Venezia)
- 1984 - "Sulle Ali di Dedalo" (hang-gliding guide book)
(Ed. Mursia)
- 1986 - "Volare Ultraleggeri" (ultralights guide book)
(Ed. Mursia)
- 1987 - "Deltaplani ...l’ala mancante" (photographic book on hang-gliding)
(Ed. Belletti)
- 1990 - "Pesci Fossili Italiani" (an essay on italian fossils fishes)
(Ed. Milan University)
- 1990 - "Voltolina" (photographs of the Artist painting production)
(Ed. Vianello Books)
- 1992 - "Catalogo Concorso Giovani Fotografi Italiani"
(Ed. Cammelli Factory)
- 1994 - "I Molluschi della Laguna Veneta" (photographic documentation of Venice Lagoon
molluscs - (Ed. Arsenale)


-1989 - Sicof Milan (International fair of protography ):
“Bicentenary of Dolomites discovery”,
(about minerals, fossils and panoramic photographs of Dolomites)
- Milan, Piazza Duomo: "Minerals and fossils of Dolomites"
-1992 - Mestre/Venice: "Examples of professional works"
-1993 - Venice: “Nude”
-2000 - Mestre/Venice: “Around you” (360° panoramic photographs)
at Photomarket gallery
- Belluno: “Around you” (360° panoramic photographs)
-2003 - Mestre/Venice: “Herbarum eicones” (leaves still-life)
at Photomarket gallery
-2004 - Mestre/Venice “Kanon” (body-builder portraits)
at Al Vapore gallery
- Mira/Venice “Around you” (360° panoramic photographs)
at Villa Widmann gallery
- Mira “Herbarum eicones” (leaves still-life)
at Villa Widmann gallery
-2009- Venice: Solo Exibition
at Mondadori Art Space
-2011- Bologna "Circolo deli Artisti" two group exhibitions
-2012- Bologna B4 Gallery "Frutti Dimenticati" group exhibition
-2013- New York Agora Gallery "Sensorial Perpective" group exhibition
-2013- Bologna "Mondus Morandi" solo exhibition
-2014- Bolohna Tatler "Pittorica" solol exhibition