
David Campana, a.k.a.PANIC, was born on November 12, 1980 in Chiaravalle (AN) – Italy.
Drawing, painting and comics are his life passions.
When he was 16, he came into contact with the hip hop culture, especially with aerosol painting.
After the scientific high school diploma, he graduated in Bologna at the Faculty of Arts and Philosofy with the thesis titled “Color traces with a code, for a semiotic writing”.
The early years in Bologna he worked with Speeddrawing5, a technical documentation studio, learning technical and graphic design basics.
The study programme run parallel with the professional activity; after the university degree in Bologna, he attended the “Academy of Arts and New Technologies” in Rome, becoming a graphic designer.
The interest for the spray painting goes on and, over time, a simple hobby became something more: private and public commissions for stores, shops, clubs and houses.
He paints on internal and external walls and on canvas.
"When I'm painting the subject is a human figure, which I leave to the last detail are the eyes. Once the pupils made ​​the painting comes to life. "
David Bell is the melting pot artistically typical of contemporary life, right in the paradox that bases its logical foundations. In the poetics of this young artist living several faces: the first mold tends Renaissance, the second most expressionist; Finally, a third, and most markedly more contemporary pop. From the Renaissance David captures the essential elements that characterize the period in question and that is the setting perspective and attention to man as an individual, in its character and in its anatomical structure. Expressionism, however, he absorbs the propensity to privilege, exasperating, the emotional side of reality than that perceived objectively. From the latest pop art, on the other hand, David takes up the same epithet "popular" as an art of mass, that is mass-produced. And since the mass has no face, art that expresses it needs to be as anonymous as possible. At the base of each painting there is a constant tension between a condition of approval socio-cultural and individual disorientation that, as far as possible, claiming its independence through a somewhat provocative attitude, who wants to shake up the social fabric almost completely atrophied . The subjects are for the most part faces or entire silhouette, realistic style and with a special attention to the tonal contrasts. The contrasts of any kind, from the color to the style at the conceptual level, are the key point of every painting. The purpose is to create an emotional impact instant. Empathic communication that you want to create between the painting and the viewer does not have to tell a story that later provoke an emotion, but rather the exact opposite, namely to transmit an immediate emotion that hides a story different each time depending on who looks.