
Stan is an internationally recognized and award-winning, mixed-media artist focusing on energy, gesture and time. All his work has a deep connection with drawing formed at an early age.
Born in Alberta, Canada of Dutch parents.
Education: OCAD (Experimental Arts; Diploma with special mention).
Consignment Artist: Art Gallery of Ontario (AP&R Gallery).
Motokawa Gallery, Kumamoto, Japan.
Artist’s Statement
The current work takes inspiration from the street.
I’m fascinated by time’s harsh effects on the city’s surfaces, such as construction hoardings, that become layered and weathered while being subjected to random marks that people leave. In stark contrast I observe the sophistication of silken evening gowns shimmering in fashion designer’s store windows. For me a story unfolds.
My art process includes house paint and street poster remnants, then introducing these materials to each other on a common plane. I execute on wood with tradesmen’s trowels, scrapers, and power tools.


