
Angela Colonna, photographer and artist from Puglia, lives and works in Venice. After her degree in Architecture at the University Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV) she attended the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in the master "Photographic representation of architecture and environment", presenting the final photographic project "Anarchitetture", exposed in several exhibition.
She works as professional photographer in the field of architecture, landscape, events for private architects and design magazine.
Simultaneously she carries on her personal artistic research, winning several awards: “Young Artist for a Project”, Venice Award City Council (1999), Grant Movin’ up, by GAI (Italian Young Artists) in 2001, finalist for Prize Photissima Art Fair Turin 2013; and exhibited in solo and collective shows.

In her artistic works, in which is evident her training, Angela Colonna explores through photography and installations, places and landscapes, whether real or linked to memory and recall, intimate places.
Her artworks are always narrations in which the theme of time is as a variable inherent in each project. She photographs, sets the scene, creates installations, recreates the atmosphere and emotional scenes, as in the first solo exhibition, "Sine oblio" of 2009, in which she shows the house itself where the photos were taken, the grandparent’s houses, now empty and lonely, in a temporal stratification in which past and present, absence and presence coincide in what can be called a self-portrait.

Angela Colonna’s photographs are already part of many private collections of contemporary art.