
"Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything evolves": here's the statement that since 1978, the year of her birth, accompanies Catia Borruso, become Catherine in life and finally CAt in art. A name that changes over time looking for his essentiality, as happens in all artworks of Re-thing series: installations, sculptures, street art... second thoughts in a contemporary key of different things without ever watered down. A meaningful research that goes beyond the traditional recycling in which an object turns taking other shapes and sizes, which respects the nature of the object as if it were a person, that to express the best of herself it must find within herself the talent that was offered her at birth. Evolutions, sublimation of things forgotten, often discarded, who not only found a place of honor in the world but in exceptional cases, as happens to certain illuminated men, are able to transcend their material nature. Artworks in which past, present and future coexist in a higher state of consciousness, nullifying the space-time dimension linked to matter, to become at one with creation.


