
Often we believe that and artist’s journey can only be described as a sort of steady climb, a path with a finish line, even a climax, as if there could not have been any uncertainties along the way or as if every step inevitably leads through to the next almost as if it were joining the dots to form a clear figure. In an argument of this nature there is no messiness and there are no uncertainties. The analysis is clean and the communication is assured. Sometimes however this becomes an inadequate description and is in fact so in this case. A more appropriate image of Chessa’s artistic journey could be described as a winding path, a metaphor of a more uncertain effect but rich with explorative possibilities.

Dalila Chessa’s artistic path is an ambitious and alternative one that moves through different expressive forms and folds of a turbulent and uneasy yet steady search that allows exploration of every possible aspect. Chessa doesn’t look to follow the expression of clear cut concepts that can be simplified or broken down in a precise manner, in this case the artist lets the art inspire and lead her towards the new concept. A form of role reversal, rule bending, playing with perception and the senses.


