
David Ciaramella was born in Naples on 05/01/91.
In 2004 he became a student at the high school art experimental Suor Orsola Benincasa. Immediately take part, as an art director and production designer with the direction of the Guild Cerullo, in artistic workshops, which allowed to stage one or more annual shows in an innovative way. As in the revival of the musical as "an extra place at the table" Garinei and Giovannini, "Notre Dame de Paris" by Cocciante.
In 2009 he graduated from participating in a group exhibition organized by teachers with pupils, where he realized thanks to the guidance of a great exponent of '"Arte Povera" Rosaria Matarese, the opera "TEAR".
In 2010 he joined the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples in writing to the "Painting" with Prof Rino Squillante.
In 2011 participates in a group exhibition organized by Prof. Valerio Rivosecchi tunnel Garden Academy Of Fine Arts, with the work "FLOW BAND"
At the same time collaborating with various cultural associations; "Prism Lab" (2011) "Virgil" (2012) as a graphic illustrator for various events organized by the association. Collaborates also with the association "Hora Secunda." The latter acts as a Theatre Company present two years in the program of the Teatro Tasso offering thanks to the director Biagio Buonomo unpublished works that enrich the educational offerings of extracurricular different schools in Naples.
In this association carries out artistic director, and head of the sets.
In 2012, the Company participates in the annual festival of amateur companies organized at the Teatro Toto with the musical "Edda, two loves a woman" (by Buonomo and Bologna) obtaining acceptable art awards.
October 29, 2012 is the coordinator, under the direction of Professor of Fine Arts Rino Squillante, laboratory teaching painting at the school during the event Vanvitelli "Vomero Night"
From December 29 to 3 participates as a street artist in the first contest of murals in Volla
He exhibited his works in different local areas, such as "The Sound Library", "shaker", "Porch 341"
The December 8, 2012 took part in a painting competition, at "La Saletta" in Garbagnate Milanese, Milan. Comes 3rd and get a PERSONAL with colleague Eduardo Luongo. From '8-23 (Dic/2012) works have been exhibited in the Gallery.
On April 21, participates in a group exhibition organized by the Contemporary Review dall'Assocazione "Arteggiando" by Jeanne D'Amodio with the presentation of Charles Robert Sciascia at Villa Bruno (San Giorgio a Cremano). In the catalog of the exhibition is devoted to a critique more dignified, more precisely born of Edward Panetta "... The brushstrokes bodied and sinuous, takes the form of living forms as the metaphysical constructions, perhaps the equally imaginative and bulging of Miro and elegant as of writing Japanese ideograms. "
In June, will take part at the same time, the exhibition is organized by the Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella in Naples, that in a competition at the Palazzo Venezia (Italy).
On July 17, 2013 and concludes obtained my bachelor's degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, in the painting section.
Despite the strong influence of the theater, he never betrayed his original painting style, easy to recognize, as it is characterized by a sign purely personal.
On May 10, 2014 inaugurated a personal, organized by the foundation Naples Nostra (association run by artistic director Gennaro Corduas) presented by professor and art historian Rosario Pinto, in the Gallery "The Gates" (via chiatamone 57). The exhibition will be open till 17th of the same month. On this occasion will have an excellent critique by Prof. Pinto, also published in the newspaper "Il Mattino" in Art and Culture.
Despite having different points of reference, his painting has always marked a line mental well-defined. Intense is the study of the "line" which eviscerated and used in order to give birth to forms and contents congruent with the idea of "free associations." No doubt the result that shines from the faces and figures, is a strong spontaneity shouted traits intense and immediate.