
Loredana Pasta was born in Palermo on March 27, 1966. He achieved artistic maturity in 84; later in the course of a degree in architecture, he moved to Florence to graduate in '90 in painting restoration at the Institute for Art and Restoration in the Palazzo Spinelli. Open a restoration workshop in Palermo leading for eight years teaching at the same time restoration; He graduated in architecture in '98 and enable the profession the following year; participates in '96 and '97 as a company, the restoration of the two tiers of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo; expert specializing in the conservation of stone in the year 2000/2001.
During all these years had a passion for painting and his career is marked by continuous activity in the field of exhibition and competition is present in the directory of art "Top Selection" of Boe in 2009, "Artistic avant-garde" of 2010, Starring 2014 art by Paolo Levi, and finally in the same year in "free port" the first annual contemporary art entirely by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.
Among the exhibits are:
1986 Photo exhibition of works in black and white in a group show at the Focus Gallery, after a course followed by Letizia Battaglia
1992 Collective Art at the Banco di Sicilia in Palermo
1993 Collective Art in Palazzo Comitini Palermo
2002 Art Expo New York
Classified in 2002 to fifth place in the international competition "Trophy Medusa Aurea", organized by the International Academy of Modern Art in Rome
Classified in 2003 to fourth place in the competition "Trophy Medusa Aurea", organized by the International Academy of Modern Art in Rome
2008 Exhibition of painting dell'A.I.A.M. in Rome
2008 Exhibition of paintings by the National Academy of Letters and Arts "Roger II of Sicily" at the Officers Club in Palermo.
2009 Special Prize of the critics with his work "Lava" International Award in the "Ode to Nature" City of Monreale
2009 Finalist Arte Laguna
2009 Participation in the competition Terna Award 02
2010 Participate in the 1st International Prize for Painting, Sculpture and Graphics New York City
2010 art exhibition "Winter Art" at the gallery The Temple
2010 AFI Life Achievement Award Trophy "The Temple"
2010 Exhibition of Painting the Picture-art rooms for artists
2010 Solo exhibition at Villa Niscemi
2010 Review of Art "Emotions in Art" at the gallery on time
2011 Participation in the international exhibition Art Italy (Turin)
2012 Exhibition at the first International Art Biennale of Palermo
2013 Participation in the International Peace Prize in the World
2014 Selected by Sgarbi as an artist for the publishing project free port
015 Participation in the event that there is the island , shows international contemporary art market.
2015 Participation in the ninth collective " Art Palace " contemporary : expression without boundaries Farini Concept Gallery Palazzo Fantuzzi Bologna
2016 Participation in the 10 collective " Art Palace " the expression of the world in Bologna , during the " Art City White Night" .
2016 Bologna, "The Art Seasons" at the third edition Wikiarte Gallery.
2016 Lombard, "New Talent" - Group exhibition Mazzoleni Foundation Onlus.
2017 Rome, Triennial Exhibition of Visual Arts in Rome.