
Renata Ceron unfolds her path through the stages of an articulated dialogue between form and color.
As for the first, the artist starts from the observation of reality to arrive at a thoughtful abstraction - sometimes declared and sometimes elegantly quoted - which is the result of a compendium of very diversified studies and personal experiences.
The alternation of situations and emotions also characterizes the color mapping, in which delicate tonal combinations predominate. In this dialectic, the artist's particular aptitude for capturing and inventing relationships between objects, shapes, and colors emerges, the result of a personal sensitivity heightened by the maturity achieved at the Art School of Treviso and also from the many experiences made in the fields of photography, of the scenography and interior fittings.
Moreover, despite the variety of situations that the artist represents, in the end, a range of sensations always prevails ranging from composed serenity to carefree joy, expression of an enthusiastic and positive personality able to place itself in relation to one's inner world and of the external one, in continuously new tunes destined to be renewed without end.