
It devotes his/her first creative phase to the planning and realization of furniture and objects of I furnish, with particular attention for the environment as place of meeting, of relationship and of exchange. From here the almost exclusive use of the wood for his/her works.
Autodidactic, begins the artistic search in 1994, thread conductor of an internal run. "To make art is a way to be for being us. Search of the truth." From immediately present to collective and personal shows, to fairs of art and contests, it increases the frequency of it from the 2002. "Parallel to an internal run and choices of life, my artistic search lately focuses him on the intimate states of the being, on the difficulty of understanding of the other, on social (as the death penalty, the violence to the infancy, forms of discrimination.) themes.
The pleasure of the form, the game, aesthetics, is instead at the base of the jobs. between design and decorative art. that realization for the environment, for the importance that I for a long time attribute to the places".


