
The great masters painting, before me, have done studies on the light, the black, the white, the monochromatism.... I am much more modestly, I began a journey that has as its main theme the rust; living matter, which is constantly changing, the one who decides where the nuances, reflections are, is Nature, that I limit myself to indulge, adding my only the essentials .

The rust has pity of things, makes gentle spending time on them; like wrinkles on a face old, rust chronicles the life that the object has lived, making it interesting and even beautiful.
Nowadays we have objects so well constructed that seem unaffected by rust, the time leaving on them only meager traces, wrinkles sadly muted.
With my recent work, I tried to rewrite the history of things that did not seem to have one: while I covered with rust, I imagined who had touched those keys, such as sweet emotions or cruel wounds have caused the words formed with the keyboard or what feelings had impressed the hand holding the mouse ... recovery items , recovery of sensations ...


