
Starting point of my artistic reflection and ' the ' Nature ' and the forces it unleashes . The subject observed becomes only a ' pretext ' to explore beyond ' , in her underwear. Everything points to another and becomes the bearer of sensuality and eroticism . My question is: ' Stop what we see or find inspiration from this to try to read what c ' and ' behind ?

In my view , color plays a key role in a ' work of ' art for its great therapeutic value and its ability 'to attract and win the ' observer . The ' ultimate goal that I wish to achieve in painting and ' to ' crowd out ' for a moment 's observer , who is initially attracted by the color , then to be conquered , and finally captured definitivamente.Il role that I attribute to the color therefore becomes essential, as it seems to capture the light and become fit. Excite me very much the color combinations strong and seemingly conflicting with each other , who then find themselves in a ' compositional harmony final , where form seems generated by its colore.Colore that captures the ' soul translating everything into a ' spiritual experience extremely personal .
This and ' my art .