
Tommaso Mori
1988, Italy
2012, Photography diploma, C.F.P. Bauer, Milan

Selected Exhibitions
2015 – Festival Circulation(s), Simon of Cyrene, CENTQUATRE, Paris, France
2015 – BJCEM – Mediterranea17 – People on the Cross, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy
2015 – Francesco Fabbri Prize, Contemporary Photography Finalist, Missing God, Italy
2015 – SlideLuck, People on the Cross, Spazio Labo’, Italy
2015 – CHUNK, Simon of Cyrene, Former Church of Ss. Giacomo e Filippo, Italy
2014 – UNSEEN Photo Fair, Play, Metronom Booth, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014 – Francesco Fabbri Prize, Contemporary Photography Finalist, Simon of Cyrene, Italy
2014 – GALLUERILLA, Play, The Dijksgracht, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014 – Fotografia Europea, Simon of Cyrene, Giovane Fotografia Italiana #03, Italy
2013 – ArteinContemporanea, Finalist with Play, Metronom Gallery, Italy
2012 – AntWork 2012, The form of Man, Spazio Gerra, Italy
2012 – Arte Laguna prize, Under 25 finalist, Experiment: Studio Portrait, Venice, Italy
2011 – AntWork 2011, Experiment: Studio Portrait, Spazio Gerra, Italy

2015 – Antwork Awards, Winner in Photography
2015 – Combat Prize, Mention in Photography

2014 – Co-author of “Photography and New Technologies” in “Generazione Critica: La fotografia in Italia dal Duemila”, Danilo Montanari

2015 – Artist Talk at Fondazione Fotografia


