
Alessandra Lugli’s art can be classified as “figurative expressionism”. This new artistic dimension is very personal and identifiable only by this artist, since her figurative expression is not classical in style but is accentuated by strong emotional values and exceptional depths.
The power of her strokes leads one towards perpetual maze of emotions which gives the public the opportunity to imagine a dialogue between the canvas and the artists' soul. There are many hues in the various touches of colour that give the work a unique depth. The beauty and strength of these colours constitute the beginning of a journey that Alessandra performs with passion, composing pictorial and iterative rhythms.
Her work presents an enchanted universe. The strokes in her work follow a personal contemplation and represent an uncertain artistic expression that gives the public the opportunity to enjoy the work and discover for themselves a strong intrinsic energy within it. Sometimes the artist’s brush strokes are almost expressive and rich of instinctive lighting implied by the colour. In each of her works, you can see a singular composition which also holds within it a “narrative”. In this way, a pictorial story is born which is fluid, it fluctuates and undulates between reality and fantasy.
In this way many artistic ideas are incorporated, each searching for their own balance, often vividly recalling the feminine world. Not only, the figures appear richly filled with subtle signs which highlight the artists talent, but which are unnecessary for an objective viewpoint. However the rhythms created are a “gift” allowing the spectator to interpret their own personal viewpoint and create their own personal artistic space.