
My practice draws from an interest to the subjective nature of perception and reality. It mainly evolves from a curiosity and fascination towards the manipulative yet transient essence of the visible, from which derives an organic relation to colors, form and light. Questioning the world's apparent factuality and the reality principle, I investigate forms of harmony and rupture. Capturing and liberating, splitting and building images, materials and spaces onto each other, I use intuition and technology as a way to experiment with ideas deriving from daily visual contemplations and consumptions. As I approach this Split between two different worlds in which we inhabit; I explore the exterior in relation to the interior, the exposed in relation to the intimate and the revealed in relation to the hidden. Driven from this duality, my practice leads parallel strands; Within a continuum of image-making, I intuitively process captured visual information - with an experience-based approach to it's exhibition, I aim to create immersive image spaces in which viewers can penetrate, thus become interiorized.