
To understand how an artist engages visually, is to understand how he thinks creatively. Practice and technical skill has brought me closer to fully understanding the creative process. Frustration and waste may take part in its earliest stages; however, after years of daydreaming, my ability to visualize concepts has become more than second nature. Living by the principle that all great art takes root in fantasy, dreams and inspiration have composed my pieces from from an initial idea to a concrete creation. True artists are storytellers, and art is literature. Imagination assembles fragments of ideas and a story emerges. Whatever piece that may be, wherever located in my mind, and however expressed, it begins as a phantom that rises, gains detail and either fades off as just another idea or becomes my masterpiece. As the best of my fragments solidify, they are put in place and moved about, and the story grows until it reaches an inspired end. This is my creative process.