
Simona Peace was born on 17 May 1984 in Magliano Sabina, in the province of Rieti. His passion for drawing started at the age of 13 years old when she watched cartoons, from there a passion for comic books, especially fantasy and Disney characters.
He attended the Istituto Statale d'Arte di Civita Castellana, province of Viterbo, graduating with 90/100 by attending for about a year, the Università degli studi della Tuscia, in the Faculty of "technology for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage" with the average of 27/30, after which he had to suspend his studies for working reasons. His passion for art has made it always take center stage with solo exhibitions of paintings and various comic strips, arranging for eight years in collaboration with the Pro loco of Welsh, the country where he lives, "the day of art", artistic extemporaneous where attended by students of artistic schools of the area, making all kinds of patterns and themes, the beautiful historic centre.
In 2010 he organized an exhibition-conference dedicated to the world as "women 's" woman and imagination ", at the Museum and cultural center" Chess "in Welsh, with various female icons symbolizing all the women characters, more rebellious than the more romantic, enjoying great success among the public. In October 2013 and 2014 held a painting exhibition with new paintings always dedicated to women, including "the two faces of the soul", diptych with two women profile views, exposed so speculate, that you look at, one is naked and the other is dressed, wearing a Venetian mask, la Ghirlandata "," reproduction of the artwork of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, pre-Raphaelite painter. Drawing and painting were always his biggest passion, currently working as a worker in a plant where it makes the sorting of plastic coming from separated waste collection. In addition to sports, is a black belt in Judo and is often also Caribbean dances, salsa is one of these, also dabbles in writing by stripping herself in thoughts and verses from sentimental themes.
Her dream is to be carried out mainly in the artistic field.

