
The artistic practice of Harm Weistra can be summarized by his fascination with the unpredictability and often cruelty of social relations and human behaviour. He draws inspiration from and produces work in response to his own experience, as well as to his research. In his work, human relations are often the central medium and driving force, translated into various forms of artistic expression such as film, photo, sculpture, and installation. His work tends to radiate a latent disturbance, but always simultaneously a disconcerting beauty. By creating confusion and manipulating the viewer’s perception, Weistra invites the audience to become partaker and to reflect. Harm Weistra lives and works in Amsterdam. He holds a Master in Social Sciences and a Bachelor in Fine Arts. He studied fine arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, where he graduated in 2011.


