
Getting started is always a crucial moment.

It's time for choice: there is the opportunity to say everything, in every possible way, and we get to say one thing in particular.

A potential implied from which we want to extract a speech, an image, a feeling, we have all the languages, styles, shapes to arrive at a suitable language to what we want to say.
Effects of signs products from scratches, grooves, lines, combined with traces cronatiche, shiny and matte, acronyms and forms corroded.
And gestural art of signs where the sign becomes matter and expressive force at work in a wider and more vigorous.
The instinctive, fast and vigorous advocate is exploding weaving an elaborate plot, creating the set of situations of matter vibrating.
My works have a foundation linked to the activity of the intervention, the immediacy of the artistic work, the form does not come from preconceived idea, does not lie in a prior art practice, but is simply an inner time, arises from a creative process that is not organized according to a project but follows the fragrance of the gesture and the transformation of matter.