Alf Maron // professional photographer and designer works and lives in Berlin // born 1980 in Radebeul/Germany // 1999 graduated in Coswig with A-level // 1999 -2001 military duty on warship "Fregatte Bayern" // 2004 finished apprenticeship as professional photographer in Coburg // working as commercial photographer, producing portraits,reportages and lifestyle-photographs // 2004-2011 studies of communication design and photography at University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam // 2005 honorable mention "19.Plakatwettbewerb des Deutschen Studentenwerkes" // nominated at shortfilm festival "Blindspot 2 - Unsichtbares sichtbar machen" 2006 // Assistant to Istanbul born Artist Dennis Gün // 2011 Diploma in photography with the work "Spontanzauber", University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam with Prof. W. Loeper & Prof. Dr.H. Christians // 2012 award winner 34. Internationale Hollfelder Kunstausstellung