
Ludmilla Radchenko was born in Omsk, Siberia on 11 november 1978, where in 1999 awards a degree in Fashion Design.
In the same year she moves to Italy to work as a model, show-girl and actress.
In 2009 she chooses to pursue her greatest passion: painting.
Instinctive and vital, her loud voice art, dressed with real life drives her toward PopRealism.

Far from presenting the object again and again in an hyperbolic and obsessive way as seen in the “classic” pop tradition, Radchenko loads it with social content in open accusation to its exploitation.

Each canvas carries different reading levels thanks to the use of different techniques: photographic emulsion, traditional painting mixed with acrylic resin and surrealist and dadaist flavoured collages.
In deference to the pop spirit, Radchenko, doesn't limit her interest to canvas but spreads her touch to fashion and design too.

Since december 2010 her first catalogue “Power Pop” edited by Skira can be found in Feltrinelli libraries with a critic essay by Fortunato D'Amico.

Radchenko's art, presented in museums and galleries, travels through Europe and USA to land at the 54° Biennale di Venezia


