Artist Statement:
I am narrating a backwards system, a non-functioning system, in which the symptoms of success are illusory. When glimpsed through an alternate lens one finds that man’s creations appear nonsensical: under the guise of stability, comprehension and palatability, lie illogical, disposable spaces. I create environments in paint and collage that respond to these illusions of functionality and purpose by focusing on their aesthetic, their form.
I construct mixed-media paintings of unstable landscapes. I forge space by emphasizing the impermanence of architecture and object. In these environments one detects the degradation: traces of de-evolution and the post-industrial. These paintings document and in-betweeness’ – that which remains within the structures of past and present. They expose the misconceptions of “progress” by offering interplay between the futuristic and the de-evolutionary.
My work attempts to reveal the indelible effect and imposing forces of man upon the natural landscape. The 1990s heralded a construction boom in America that swiftly substituted forest and field for large, poorly constructed homes. Traces of place and past were erased, community sacrificed and environment disrupted. What prevails is a system of impermanence in which destruction is rewarded...