

Changing Cultural Landscapes and Territories

Changing Cultural Landscapes and Territories Sydney-based artist whose photographic, installation & video work addresses site, place & geo-political significance & impact of the individual within contested sites of impact & diasporic cultures. Photographs, video & site-¬specific installations result from her need to quell her obsessions that include attention to the trade routes, faces, traces & scars on the surfaces of the world. Critical too, is the artist's desire to physically encounter the ‘real’, which has, within her projects, taken her to Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Jordan, India, Kuwait, Himalayas, South-East Asia, Nth America, Mexico, Cyprus, Japan and numerous other locations for extended periods in addition to her studio-base in Sydney, Australia. Roberts-Goodwin creates images, both still & moving, taken directly from experiences without manipulation & extensively researched, resulting in work far removed from a conventional view. Within the artists' thirty plus year career, the artist has made timeless, passionate visual statements related to geopolitical issues & perceived inconsequential occurrences & perceptions faced without sentimentality.
Roberts-Goodwin's work speculates on the ‘uncanny’ imaging of the documentary’ & ‘cinematic’ genre within cultural &
political coalescences that continually resonate.

The works of Sydney-based artist Lynne Roberts-Goodwin centre on the pivotal conceptual foundations of landscape as a record/aftermath of human values & actions imposed over time in locations of geopolitical, remote, topographical and culturally estranged sites. Projects & research surrounding these broad concepts & insights related to visual representations of landscapes that appear as ‘other’ in more than one way & are centered within locations or through histories of contested sites or geopolitically contested remote or elevated topographical territories. Confronting representations from different parts of the globe, Roberts Goodwin invites us to engage with unfamiliar contexts & global structures of environmental conflict & sites of impact.

Lynne Roberts-Goodwin’s photographic work & installations can be seen as 'aftermath' of fragmentary & enigmatic qualities of the photographic document as a path to return afresh to what we think we know of the past, & how we think we know it through present engagement & dissemination. The artist, within her imagery, engages the lens of ‘spatial aesthetics’; that is, ‘the complex entanglements between local and global ideas of place’.

The artist exhibits extensively internationally, is currently in 2015 engaged on the 'DEAD SEA' project, filming and photographing in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with assistance from NGO's and non-NGO's to realise the 'DEAD CALM' series of works to be exhibited in a forthcoming U.S.A., solo exhibition in 2015 and in Europe in 2016. The artist's work is represented internationally by commercial Galleries in Europe, Australia and North America and is in major
Museum and private collections.