
Yielding from the Beaux Arts de Paris, Bertrand Peyrot traces anonymous portraits from his emotions and perception of time.
Each piece is a psychological pictorial entity, a mirror of the soul bourn on a metal plate on which he draws.
The content and form are one.
Each frame, consistently representing an anonymous portrait, is not a frozen moment on canvas. It is an organic entity in perpetual motion, in a biological rhythm in perfect sync with that of humans : rusting
Bertrand Peyrot restores meaning to time : its evolutionary and irreversible aspect.
Hi inspiration comes from the internet, that other organic entity in perpetual motion and memory of mankind to come. He looks for anonymous portraits through which emerges a palpable emotion: a smile, a tear, a cry ...
and redraws them, adding his own emotion.
But unlike the Web, that virtual space of immortality for all, Peyrot Bertrand chose metal as support for his portraits, subject to degradation over time.
Through this medium he restores mortality to the human being.
Each painting, in bio-degrading, invites us to reflect on the ephemeral nature of our emotions and the importance of time, in a world where we tend to live in an already earned care free immortality.


