
In the latest years my artistic practice has been focused in the exploration of the image and its forms of reproduction in the consumer society, specially in the visual media. Taking a semiotic approach and through the study of its behaviour and development, I try to reflect on the meaning and value of images in visual culture and the effect that the current constant “ocular exposure” in which we are immersed, provokes in our daily life.

I am interested in the image because it is an omnipresent entity, constant and ever changing, as well as for its spirit of synthesis and measurement of time. For these reasons I have chosen it as a medium, my main vehicle for working. My system of production is mainly based in the processes of gathering, appropriating and transforming graphic components produced by other people. I nurture myself with found, archival and old material, as well as newspapers, adverts and photographs from the present time. Regarding their management, my procedure is similar to the hypertext or the hyperlink: “crossed automatic references that address other linked documents”. These programs discard a pre-established reading order favouring an enormous range of possible options. I try to confront the images in the same way, taking them and making them mine, rethinking them and establishing relations between them, either with the aim of changing their interpretation and meaning dramatically, or to underline an already-existing context.

My projects and works are process-based or immediate, seeking a balance between form and concept through references to language, semantic games and, sometimes, a cynical sense of humour. A search for the ambiguous, the narrative event and certain poetic of contrasts – either by confronting of juxtaposing elements – is also present in my pieces.Through subjects like casualty, representation, the passage of time, memory, authorship, authenticity or the artistic practice, I seek to generate a space for dialogue with the viewer where to be able to critically deal with the languages specific of the images and the multiple environments of their distribution.


