
My work derives from images of places I have been to and people that I know. The images aren’t usually recent; I use the parts of my past that haven’t perished. I explore the less tangible reasons why these memories still resonate. My practice is borne of a need to seek out substance. It is a rejection of the world of hard sell, disposable consumer experiences and simplistic messages I don't trust.
I mainly work with paint and sometimes the written word. On great days, unconscious decisions and working without thinking does happen and I love it, it’s a great healthy, legal high. However it happens infrequently. I am engaged for weeks or months to get the odd hour like that, but both periods are necessary, the slow burn, and the quicksilver unconscious moments. The alchemy, when it happens, is the result of much time spent mulling over something in different ways so that a break through when it comes might seem like a single off the cuff moment but it isn’t really, it is the end result of making physical contact with the same spot gently till you touch the magic point that gives way and lets you in.