
Testimony from Raffaello Scianca, director of the Sculpture Department, Fine Arts Academy of Urbino:
From the very beginning of her academic studies, Marta Palmieri has constantly developed her eclectic personality through exploring the specific languages of every single material: clay, earthenware, chalk, cement, metals, wooden and plastic materials. Coherently approaching the optimal height of executive accuracy in the fulfilment of her innate and immediate creativity, she achieved remarkable levels with "poor" material. I am reminded of her installation of monumental anthills, made of recycled wooden pieces. For the artist any sterile material, even the most basic, - such as earth for termites - can be used to realize skyscrapers. This pre- conscious concept seems to find its sublime simplicity in the synthesis of her most recent work "lucignoli" made of earthenware. The idea is that earth mixed with water rising through a slow spiral into the heights of aerial space. The whole structure is stabilized by the cooking in the flame of art.