
Vincent was born in the Pelonero Tronche in 1962 to Italian parents , and his father Antonio , artisan artist in restoration. Vincent began his artistic career 1990 create his first company in restructuring restoration antique finishes in style residences while preserving the details of the time.
With early recognition of the quality of his reach craftsmanship and artistic and obtains the qualification of the departmental committee with the delivery of certificates of qualification designer of the restoration .
The painting remains the focus of its activities with which he participated in numerous exhibitions both in Italy and abroad.

Vincent loves to paint outdoors his works are of great intensity light the strong colors in 2009 he moved to Rome where he began a grand tour exhibitions throughout Italy .
Within the exhibition "Art and Freedom " tour show in Corleone in Sicily in 2012 , Caccamo and Cefalu. 2013 International Prize for Peace in the world of nation united in Monreale , Sicily. Get recognition from the town of Palermo for his participation in the show creativity against the Mafia "Art and Legality ."
Vincent complaint in recent years social inequality , is opposed to violence if practiced against a democratic government , against poverty , war, in favor of peace. His work initially realistic and impressionist art , imagination mystery from the sky today in protest against the company violence against the people , the transmission of a message through a picture visual communication strong power booster , storage made ​​through painting promote culture and telling the story through visual communication. Vincent now lives and works between Paris and Rome.