“Who are you?” is the question guiding each single experience in and around a portrait.
This is a question I constantly bring along with me in my work, this practice may be found in the borderline between a lucid, planned, non-emotional nor impulsive working mode, and the depth of what I have experienced, the irreducibility of memory, the density of time.
The sessions are usually very long and their duration is necessary to enable us to reach a zone which is only inhabited by body and silence. There is never an attempt to psychologically render the person, nor to create an emotional empathy; rather, there is an attempt to obtain pure presence; the surface dimension which is proper of the photographic image co-exists with a depth which is at the same time plasticity of the physical presence and sense of duration: the duration of posing, of experiencing, of the gaze.
They are found, not collected images; preserved, and not captured images.