
“Maybe, in a future lightened by acknowledgment and freedom, there will be a shining town, built with light.
Maybe in this imaginary future, human race will understand the meaning of words like “equality”, “peace” and “freedom”; maybe there will be respect for every form of life on this planet that host us and that is able to stand us. But to reach that point of elevated spirituality is necessary for everyone to pass through his own labyrinth and together through the city labyrinth in which we live; walking through dark geometries and enigmatic involutions, following a dream, an inspiration, a colorful thread that, even if it’s fragile, it leads to awareness. “

Flavia Dodi graduates in Architecture at “La Sapienza” University in Rome with prof. Franco Purini.
She took part in different solo and collectives exhibitions Among solo exhibitions there is in 2011 october “Labirinti”, in Palazzo Valentini, under the patronage of Provincia di Roma.
She is among signal artists in the Combat Prize 2010.
Actually she lives in Rome and works at Studio 420,.