Klaus Bittner is working in painting, drawing, photo/digital art, installation, objects, land-art
Studio in Germany: Berger Str. 329, 60385 Frankfurt
Since 1971: 46 solo exhibitions in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, USA
107 participations in exhibitions and art projects in Germany and foreign countries
Artistic conception: The Variable Reaction…
This conception means a strategy to avoid a recognizing continuity (principle of mobility). This strategy is focused against an esthetical setting, the persisting in a position and the pressure of the market to identify. It’s not the goal to create art with a trade mark or a market sign, which can be recognized at once as well as a lifelong created personal style. It‘s rather the aim to keep a creative variety which is elevating the variation of expression. The “Variable Reaction” means an artistic work as an experimental way which is posed in opposition to perfection.
More information on my website