I Working exclusively on sculpture in public spaces. In my work process comes first sensorial experimentation at the space, therefore, that if you are interested in my services, I will I have to travel to the specific location to conduct the study properly. However, given the characteristics and function building will advance a proposal for consistent work on stage.
This element serves as a symbolic landmark that welcomes visitors and can serve as background for the scene.
The conception I have of public sculpture is that it should be a place and not just one thing. I intend to signal in an elegant way on space, with an element of inspiration in nature that is closest to the people that can play and live.
The light has a spectacular performance at my proposals with an important presence of shadows.
People come to my pieces easily and since they are places and are experienced as such remain in the memory.
I try to stimulate the landscape with sculptures featuring a majestic tone, elegant and exciting. For me the combination of landscape, building and human being are fundamental in the development triangle of my proposals. My sculptures still remain very large, very light are visually, creating a relationship with humans very exciting. You feel warm and protected and can look through them.