
the art is a gift of God and a way to reach the Truth.
discover .... Jesus is the best thing that can happen to us in this life ..
He is our only Savior,
true man and true God,
Someone else to overcome the evil one ..?
When the soul finds the humility to recognize themselves in need of the love of Jesus receives unexpected if an energy that does not exist in this world ..
in a moment he realizes that he has always loved and madly!
Everything makes sense and meaning ...
through the merits of Jesus we are made all brothers, atheists, Christians, Muslims, etc..
But who will turn to evil till the end and will be confirmed in evil at the time of death, Jesus will leave him free to separate permanently from his love,
and then cease to be our brother and become a part of hell .. and this is the only real failure that we must avoid!
The Catholic Church was established by Jesus because every man has the chance to meet him until the last generation.
good way for all of us ... and on earth peace to men of good will!

peace, joy and fidelity to Pope Francis.
your brother in Christ