
FLAVIO SCIOLE’ (1970). Actor, director, performer. Italian-Croatian Stateless Anti-artist, for years now he has contributed to anti-theatrical research (with Teatro Ateo), anti-film experimentation and extreme performances. Mainly devoted to artistic deconstruction of any classical art, he finds his own reason for being in defragmentation and deconstruction acts. Iconoclastic as a vocation, he is not keen on compromise and he makes the art as a request, the ethic art his own raison d’être. About 300 of his videos have been projected-awarded-reported in national and international festivals in Italy and all around the world. Over 1000 viewigs in Italy (Rai Uno, 52a International Art Exposition “La Biennale” of Venice) and all over the world (France, Portugal, Morocco, Greece, Finland, Romania, Usa, Lithuania, Macedonia, Argentina, England, Germany, Russia, etc). He has received prizes, retrospectives (Casablanca, Rome, Turin, Berlin, London), writings. Main forms of film-action: anti-cinema, aesthetics, diverted light use, direction, drama, machine editing. In Teatro Ateo the action zone is the re-setting-destruction-crumbling of classical drama by acting on two levels: one recitative and one dramaturgical. Anti-drama is the keyword. The main characteristics of the project are the monochromatic research (light, costumes), the vocal deconstruction (the form of “stiff acting” is codified), the work on the icons and on the stiff actor machine. He has partecipated in national and international events and in theatre seasons: Festival Ubusettete (Rome), Makiné (Rome).The performance action develops, as in the theatre’s one, the vocal expression and the antibody but, sure enough, the whole is not ‘totally’ predefined but a wide margin is left to the instinct, to the urgency which guides each act. He took part, furthermore, at the Biennale Adriatica Arti Nuove, Futuroma, Ar(t)cevia,Corpo, Wunder Festival.