
In 1987 I started painting and drawing under the guidance of a special master, my uncle, an artist with diploma at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, a pupil of the master B.Saetti (famous Italian painter) and classmate of Carmelo Zotti (another famous painter ). Year after year so slowly I learned the painting techniques of the ancient painters such as Titian, Giorgione and other masters of the past. I learned how to create colors by mixing pigments with glue, personal and particular primings and other natural ingredients and make my first works, which were copies of old paintings. I continued to do the copyist until 2003, when, after much research, I found my way, my way of being a painter, my art, as was my daughter and no other. To my pigments and ancient techniques I have also added other colors that first refused, such as acrylics or oil pastels, thus obtaining the necessary colors to my art. Important in my painting is the sign and the harmonious balance of colors in an apparent chaos. I waited 24 years to show to the public my works, because I wanted to be sure I have reached the right maturity in my art and not as a "copyist" of things already done. And now I'm ready.


