
“Man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.” –Rachel Carson

Like Rachel Carson, I too am concerned for our future. One of the most distressing and urgent concerns of the 21st century is global climate change and the ramifications it has on natural resources, weather, ecosystems, animals and, ultimately, humans. We are assaulting our natural surroundings and I am compelled to raise our consciousness with the hope of curbing our destructive manipulation and abuse of the environment. It is my goal to instill and share my respect and appreciation for the natural world in order to reveal the interconnection we have with it.
I paint imagined desolate landscapes that embody an aura of vast dreamlike space. Painting from my imagination allows me to combine memories with fictitious settings. By exaggerating my color palettes, applying heavy textures in the foreground, and using light washes and blending techniques in the mid-ground and background, I create environments that amplify a polarized struggle between harmony and dysfunction. Plants, birds, and insects inhabit the foregrounds and are constructed using an impasto technique. The stark backgrounds are seemingly lifeless defined with threatening clouds, parched hillsides, and dark or blazing skies. My paintings dramatize a nightmarishly fragile and crippled world struggling for survival – A glimpse into an unpredictable future.