
Born in Parma, Italy, in 1980, lives and works between Italy and Panama.

After completing her Bachelor degree in Fine Arts at Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna and Illustration at Scuola Internazionale di Comics in Florence, she exhibits in 2006 at the Pinacoteca Nazionale of Bologna in the exhibition “Premio Samp” and at ENSAD (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs) in Paris in the exhibition “My bed is a boat”.

In 2007 she is selected among “Your Galley Top 10 Chosen” coordinated by Rebecca Wilson, Your Gallery Magazine and ArtReview editor, deputy editor of Modern Painters and associate director of the Saatchi Gallery in London.

In 2008 Federica wins the Italian national contest “Artefatta” and holds her solo exhibition “Digressione” at Castello degli Agolanti in Riccione.

She is “Premio Ricoh” contest finalist and exhibits in Milan at Spazio Oberdan in 2011 and at Idroscalo in 2012.

In 2014 she is finalist at “Mantegna Cercasi” International Contemporary Art Contest, and exhibits at Casa del Mantegna.

Recently Federica has explored through live painting performances with music, like in “Solstizio d’Estate 2012 – La musica delle Meraviglie” at Palazzo Te, curated by Teatro all’Improvviso.
Following her live performances in Italy and the Netherlands, Federica was invited as a visitor fellow to the ESAD (Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático) in Cordoba, Spain, for a period of an exploration with students on the linkages between art and music.

Among the latest solo exhibitions, "Falling in love" at Home Gallery 1 Stile, in Mantova in 2014, and “And then all life comes crowding into one single hour” at Amstel 41 Gallery in Amsterdam in 2013. Among the group exhibitions “Expo Diaspora”, at Kunsthaus in Bocholt, Germany, in 2014.

At the moment, some of her selected works can be seen in Portugal (Museu Municipal de Coimbra, Torre de Almedina, Galeria Almedina, Edifício Chiado, Coimbra), Germany (Galerie B, Bocholt) and The Netherlands (Amstel 41, Amsterdam).