
He lives and studies at Arpaia (BN) in Via Roma 163.
After graduating from the Art School State of Benevento in 2007, studied Philosophy at the University "Federico II" of Naples. Working as studio assistant to Perino and Vele in Rotondi (AV).

Among the most significant, the Fortress of the Rectors, participated in the survey of young artists from Benevento, part of the "Four Nights ... and more Full Moon" in 2008, always in Benevento, in the same year, held his first solo exhibition at the gallery of contemporary art "RossoFenice". In Florence, in 2010, organized by the municipality, has exhibited for the event "Creative Insomnia and the Maggio Fiorentino" (White Night).
In the 'current year, he participated in the exhibition "Call for Artists", organized by Nadine Servant for the cultural association "Art-a-Part" in France.

