
The “Propositions” that I offer are philosophical inquiries into both the nature of painting and human perception. This systematic development of titling my works was partly influenced from my studies of the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza’s application of the Geometrical Method of philosophy in which propositions and axioms are used to present philosophical truth. Aligned with the Concrete Painting Movement, I employ the tenets that state a painting should be autonomous, and that a pictorial element has no other significance than “itself” and therefore the picture has no other significance than “itself.” Concrete paintings do not attempt to represent nor abstract from anything in this world, and are directly paintings about paint’s ability to exist as color and physical matter. Suggesting a relationship to sculpture, the work affords the viewer numerous perspectives that, if examined, develop one’s initial perception. The operative nature of our fast paced society brings about a barrage of visual imagery that competes for our attention and in turn produces a numbing effect. My work calls for a slowing down, thus allowing a respite in which one may contemplate.


